We can only take up to 4 bags/boxes per person at a time without an appointment. Please call us if you have more to donate, we would love to take it. Please don't just leave the bags outside. Donate during our posted business hours.
The items cannot be illegal, recalled, expired, or broken. We also DO NOT accept tube TVs. Donate as often as you would like.
We are currently accepting CashApp, FaceBook Pay, PayPal, Venmo, and checks, and we can also invoice you. All donations will go towards overhead, repairs, and keeping our shop open so we can continue to help the community.
Donate as often as you'd like with no commitment.
Businesses should inquire about our sponsor program. This includes advertising for your business.
Click here to donate with:
Any business or contractors looking to donate their time and services should fill out the volunteer form. Donating to services would put you on our sponsor list on our website and Facebook. Businesses that also wish to make monetary donations can email us at [email protected].
Click here for our donation tiers.